Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Saturday, September 01, 2001


Hey Kilburg, you have to give him some credit, he isn't a Rodney Nelson out there, you have to run to the left to set up the run to the right, and vice versa. The left side of the line could be five times as good as the right side, but if you run to the left every time, the defense is gonna figure it out and start stuffing the plays. Not that I have a particular affection for him, I don't think tht he has made a single comment directed at me this year other than yelling at me for something. I counted, and figured out that in the whole varsity game last night, I was in a whopping 14 plays: 6 punts, 3 kickoff returns, and 5 PATs. I am the only person on the second team offense line who didn't get a 1 to 1 or at least 2 to 1 rotation last night, la de fucking da. On another note about the game, sometime during the 4th quarter, as I was standing on the sidelines, Justin Farley came up to me and asked, "Do I suck or something?", becuase he hadn't been in a single play all game. This was most definatly on the the most hilarious things that I have heard in a while. I consoled him, for it appeared that he was under the impression that everyone was gonna rotate into the game, or something like that. I suppose one could look at that as a signifigant moment in Farley's evolution, he became self-aware last night when he didn't get to play. If we don;t watch out he might be launching a nuclear holocaust pretty soon.........


Man... Paul James is an extremely frustrating coach to play for. I mean, what the heck exactly does he do?!? King is the defensive coordinator and handles linebackers and runningbacks, Callahan takes quarterbacks and is the offensive coordinator (although James usually gives the actual plays in games), White handles the line on both sides of the ball, Blue has slot backs and outside linebackers, and Edwards takes receivers and D-backs. So what does James do? Stand around like a fat, pompous pustule!
One series:
Option right- no gain
Belly right- no gain
Option right- 2-3 yard loss
Next series:
Belly right- no gain
Option right- slight loss
Play-action pass- first down
Belly left- 12-yard gain
Option right- no gain
Hmm, what should we do? Let's run to the right again, says James! Urgh.

It must be magic.

I <3 Hy-Vee
Hy-Vee used to be on my hate list for the longest time. However, once I picked up my paycheck from Costumer Service a couple days ago everything turned around. I had worked once in 3 weeks. What a great schedule, eh? The first 2 weeks I didn't work once, and the last week I worked for 4 hours. Not bad. So I go into Hy-Vee and ask for my check, thinking I wouldn't have one(By the way, we get paid every 2 weeks). The guy pulls it out and hands it to me. To my suprise I made just around 60 bucks for doing nothing. Now theres probably some legal deal that I have no idea about that states something about me getting paid even if I don't work or some crazy shit like that. I really don't care though, getting paid for not working? Geez, I could get used to it. I <3 Hy-Vee.

Friday, August 31, 2001

I hate old people...
I left school today and headed out to the golf course. I paid and signed in and junk and then walk out to the starter, talk to him for a bit. I asked him if there was any way he could get me off the the front nine... he put me behind three foursomes... HOW GAY. The first hole always goes okay, but as i finished the second hole there were two groups on the tee box. I decided to skip the the sixth hole and then leave, cause of how slow it was. I tee off, with plenty of time in between groups, but for some reason the other group didnt think so... Those fruity old men hit there drives no where near mine. All of them seriously ran up to there balls and started hitting over my head. The one guy was nice enough to yell "fore", even though he was only 20 yards back. So i continue after them, after i hit, the older gentlemen then comes flying up to me in his golfcart and starts yelling at me. Wow this guy was retarded... i looked at him and laughed. I hate old people on the golf course.

Wash Wins!
Congrats to both the Soph and Varsity football teams on their wins tonight. Sophs shut out Wahlert 20 to nothing, and Varsity topped Wahlert 38 to 28. IC West High got beat tonight too! w00t!

Thursday, August 30, 2001

Forrest Gump DVD
Loaded with extras on a second disc, and the first disc that Paramount has actually put EXTRAS on (heaven forbid!), Forrest Gump has been a long time coming to our favorite silver disc. It's here, and as I said on Tuesday, I picked up a copy.

The extras are wonderful and have two cool deleted scenes, one featuring Forrest and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and one featuring George Bush Sr. getting wacked in the balls with a ping pong ball! There is lots of information to be hand on this great movie.

As for the video, it looks great. I'm not a trained expert, but to my eyes, Gump was solid. I have no complaints about the 16x9 enhnanced presentation.

The audio just sucks. Forrest Gump was released theatrically in Dolby Digital 5.1, and that aural experience has been brought home. It's wretched, in my humble opinion. With the exception of the Vietnam scenes (which feature some fab sound), the rest is simply horrid. I expect music to be pumped through all five speakers, not just the front three, and there were quite a few times when I expected the surrounds to be used and they were left untouched. It is very unsatisfying, and a movie of this stature really deserved better. Not the disc to bust out to show off your sound system, that's for sure.

Vietnam, as I mentioned, is fabulous. The sound field is very enveloping and I loved the use of the surrounds for bullets whizzing past... every bit as good as Saving Private Ryan. The best part has to be the whump-whump-whump of the helicopters delivered through the subwoofer... awesome. This scene separates the men from the boys when it comes to subs, and I was pleased with the house rattling effects here... really a lot of fun!

The sound isn't great, but it really isn't horrible, just not as good as it could be, but the picture and extras do not disappoint. For a mere $17.95 for the next few days at Best Buy, this is a disc I recommend you pick up!

My parents are gay and I hate them. I no longer have a car to drive this week, and probably for a little of next week because my dad is psychotic. One of these days I'll show him......

They Call Me....The King of Jello
At Bishops tonight I ate 16 cups of the world famouse Jello snack food. I consumed red, orange and blue varieties of this wonderful gelatin. There's always room for Jello!

Visit to learn more!

BBP Update
We made a slight change today on Big Boy Productions. Previously, posts were pulled off the main page and culled into the archives after three days, but we're now giving you five days before stuff is pulled off the main page. It may slightly affect load times, but since the OVERWHELMING majority of our visitors have Cable Modems (and if you don't, what the hell is your problem?) we figured it was worth it to give our visitors who come less often a chance to catch the posts before they're pulled. So there.

Blizzard's up to something!
Blizzard Entertainment... feel free to share your ideas as to what mystery project they could be alluding to. As you already know, the official word will be given at the European Computer Trade Show (ECTS), a place where in the past, Blizz has announced Diablo II, the Diablo II Expansion, and WarCraft III. My bet is on StarCraft II, the sequel to PC Gamer's 6th best Computer Game of All Time.

Wednesday, August 29, 2001

How To Make a Woman Happy
Drink lots of juice, eat lots of oreos. She'll thank you for it.

Even More Hy-Vee
If it's not in the advertisement, and there isn't a blue tag next to the price, we don't have any in the back for Christ's sake! Look at the size of the store. If we had every single item on the shelves in the back as well, the back would need to be the same size as the front of the store, and that's pretty freaking big!

There's not much in the backroom really. Some pop, some beer, most of the stuff that's in the advertisement for the week, and some shit that didn't sell when we had the ad on it.

Never, ever, ever, buy V8 Splash at our store. We had it on an advertisement one time like last November, and we still have some stock of it. Sick as hell.

Yet More Hy-Vee
If someone says, "Hi, how are you doing today?", it is not considered polite to stare at the Cashier and not respond.

More Hy-Vee
Just for the record, on Wednesdays and Sundays, the Hy-Vee I work at (Mt. Vernon Road) does not get any fresh bread in. If you see someone putting bread on a shelf--it's day-old bread. Don't buy bread on Wednesday and Sundays, and don't bitch to employees about the selection being worse than a Russian market either, come back on any day except Wednesday and Sunday.

Stupid Hy-Vee Ads
Over the months of working at Hy-Vee, I've heard my fair share of stupid ads that play over the sound system at Hy-Vee. All the cheese island ones sound identical, and the other ones you just don't pay attention to. There's been some that tried to incorporate humor or something, but they just fall flat.

An ad that started playing today, however, takes the cake.

It's Jim Baldwin, Manager of Store Operations, and Raphael, the Hy-Vee's Kitchen manager having a discussion. Raphael, however, does a fairly wretched imitation of Rodney Dangerfield. The dialog is something like this:

Jim: Hey Rodney, are there any good deals at Hy-Vee's Kitchen this week?
Rodney: Heyyy, Jim. There sure are. You can get a main entree, two sides, a dinner roll with butter, and a drink all for $5.49. You can get an 8 piece chicken pack for dinner for $14.97.
Jim: Wow Rodney, those sound like some respectable prices.
Rodney: They sure are. I get no respect. I have to go to Hy-Vee's Kitchen to get respect.

AWFUL. It was so embarrasing the Shift Manager (Megan Kalamaja) would actually hold down the button the intercom (and not talk into it) to block it out later in the night. Yes, it's THAT BAD. I don't know if it'll still be playing tomorrow, but try to go into Hy-Vee for at least twenty minutes and if it's still on, you'll hear it.

Re:(x's 4) Mr. Henderson
I <3 Mr. Henderson personally and find him rather funny. While he was talking about a girl that left him for and upperclassmen yesterday he mumbled under his breath (loud enough so that everyone could hear it of course) Bitch! This was the funniest moment I've ever experienced in a classroom, whether it be with a teacher or a fellow classmate. Mr. Henderson r0x0rz and so does A.P. Euro. His tests do suck ass though....way too hard for shit that I didn't read. It's cool though how we got to use our notes and our books....mad ill.
I gots so much ice, when I'm around we chill out.


I hate retards named Charlie. They suck.

Ones named Shawn are VERY funny though.

RE:(x's 3) Mr. Henderson

HAHAHA Mr. Henderson did the same thing to our class. What a fruit I bet he has it all planned out. Mr. Henderson still rocks though. AP Euro = The Best.

RE: Mr. Henderson
Adam, Mr. Henderson said it was just an old teacher's trick, if you blow up at em once they behave for the rest of the year, he didn't really mean it. AP Euro is a very easy class so far, and I am rather enjoying it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2001

Joe Schuette caught!

Mr. Henderson
Today was a great day in Mr. Henderson's AP European History class. The class began with Henderson trying to take attendence, of course no one was paying attention and messing around. Just about half the class was marked on his 'not here' list because they never heard their names. Luckily for me I was on his 'here' list, however it made no difference. Once he finished he gave our 5th period class the scolding of a life time. He blew up, screaming 'This is an AP class, that means its meant for college students. If you're taking this class you should be acting with maturity and not messing around with your neighbors. Maybe I could complete the attendance if you all would keep your god damn mouths shut! This is not the right class for a lot of you, and some just need to get the hell out!'. That's not exactly what he said but close enough. Once finished with the tounge-lashing he began reviewing our syllabus. Of course the first question goes to me, and it is ... 'What does demographic mean?'. I sit in my chair with no idea. My response is 'It seems I don't know'. Mr. Henderson bitches me and the rest of the class out a little more then continues with the review.

Now what pisses me off is Henderson acted as if nothing happened at the end of the class. The guy is really unexpectable, hopefully his days of being an ass to everyone have passed. I still hate AP European History.

One of the best sites
Today I stumbled over one of the best sites on the net. It is a flash with a bunch of pictures of hot girls to the song, "Who Let The Dogs Out" by Baha Men.

DVD Sewer
For my DVD news, I prefer The DVD Sewer.

Hail to the Kings, baby!
Big Boy Productions has been counting visitors for 23 days as I write this. In these 23 days (most important to note is that the site pretty much just got started), we have counted 1,223 UNIQUE visitors (and it's only 3:49 today, look for that number to rise by at least 80 more). On a previous everything/nothing site that Zakk, Nick, and myself contributed to (you know what I'm talking about... probably), the largest month ever was 1,181 UNIQUE visitors in 31 days. We're 42 over that mark, and that's in 23 days. Very impressive to say the least! Thank you all for visiting! Get the word out!

The Digital Bits
If you're at all interested in DVDs and what's coming soon and the talk about them, be sure to check out The Digital Bits, it is truly one of the great DVD news sites. Another great DVD news site is the ubiquitous DVD File.

Forrest Gump DVD
I got the Forrest Gump DVD today at Best Buy. It just came out today. That movie rox0rs.

Monday, August 27, 2001

Another great website!
Being that I'm the comedian of the group, I found another very funny website to put up. It is This Link Here. Enjizzily Jizoy!
I've got so much ice they call me Mr. Freeze.

That weiner looks might tasty, I wish I was chowin down on it right now. Also, who would win in a fight, the weiner man or Kramer the Magical Donkey? That's one for the ages.


I'm so icey, I caused the last ice age!

RE: RE: Care for a wiener?
Swifty, you're just jealous of the size of the wiener that he has. You wish you had a big wiener in your hands like him. DON'T YOU?!?!

'Dis ice is so chilly, it's snowin' on me

Care for a wiener?

I got so much ice you can call me Frosty

Charlie's Tenacious D Album Review
Welcome to my review of Tenacious D's self-titled album.

This is simply great rock n roll. That's the easiest way to describe this fantastic album. Tenacious D mixes acoustic rock with quite a large portion of humor, and the end result is one of the best records I have heard in a long time. Every song is good, with no duds at all. Even the skits, something I usually loath on a CD, are very funny.

For those of you who are familiar with the D's other work, this album is a bit of a departure. Instead of two guys jamming, a full band has been added to some tracks. For example, the acoustic love ballad "Sex Supreme" is transformed in to the 70's porn groove, "Double Team". I highly recommend all of you purchase when it comes out on September 25, 2001. I know I am.
I got so much ice, I have to live in an egloo

Go here for all your babe needs: WooT!

Babes dig the icey bling

Peep these albums
autechre - ep7
DJ Qbert - Wave Twisters
MixMaster Mike - Anti-Theft Device
NOFX - Punk In Drublic
Phish - Billy Breathes/Farm House/Hoist
Pixies - Doolittle/Surfer Rosa
Smashing Pumpkins - Melancholy And The Infinite Sadness
Snoop Dogg - Doggystyle
Sublime - Sublime
System Of A Down - System Of A Down
Tenacious D - Tenacious D

Hah, the iceage ain't over, look at my bling

Web Design
I joined this class last week thinking that it was going to be a peice of cake. But little did I know how much I hate HTML. Call me a newb, but damn, I hate all that petty, tedious HTML crapola. Thank god for programs like Blogger and Frontpage.

'Dis chain so icy, I got chill bumps on my neck

Whatever you do, DON'T go to this site.

I've got so much ice, you can skate on me...

Sunday, August 26, 2001

I just farted. It smells like broccoli.

2 funny ass websites!
Thanks to the great #lost weblog, I stumbled on to two funny sites that I'd like to share with you all. They are:
I hope that you all enjoy them and find them just as comedic as I did.

RE: RE: Aaliyah's Dead
It all depends on how she died. There is no chance in hell I would do a dismembered corpse victim from a plane wreck, but I would put heavy consideration into a suffocation victim, especially if she had only been dead 2 or less hours. For some proper Necrophiliac techniques, go here. I learned quite a bit from this page. I look forward to a long and sex-filled career as a Necrophiliac.

RE: Aaliyah's Dead
I raise this mind provoking question in response to my post about Aaliyah's death. We all know that Aaliyah was pretty hot, so here is my question: Would you do Aaliyah's dead body?

My answer: I don't know... I'll have to take in into serious thought... I'll get back to you one that one.

It makes me sick
Today was the first lazy Sunday I've experienced in a super long time. If I'm correct, I haven't felt this God-awful feeling since school ended last year. :(


Tenacious D
I just downloaded and advance copy of the new/first Tenacious D album. I really like it. Even though the band's songs are mostly to get a rise, or a little bit of laughter out of you, there's still some really sweet acoustic guitar riffs. Believe it or not, there's a lot of musicianship in this album. Check it out, it's worth a peep.

Aaliyah's Dead
Umm, I saw this article on Excite this morning. I didn't really like her music, but like always, it's kind of shocking to see celebrities die.

I read this statement on a forum that I browse quite frequently, it said:
"Oh no, she's dead. That's too bad. Looks like I'll have to find another source of r&b music to not listen to. Shucks"
I thought it was kind of funny. Maybe you don't, but I don't care if you do or not.

I wonder which one is her...

You gotta love these popups
(The .GIF might take a little while to load, be paciente -that's Spanish-)
I was surfing and all of a sudden this golden popup nugget appeared on my screen. Instead of cringing at the scantily clad male dancing in such a provocative manner, I let out a monsterous unit of laughter. Something about this just makes me crack up. I dunno, maybe you might too.

Sorry for the lack of posts today, we were all having troubles with Blogger, the tool that we use to update this site.

Enough of this talk of fair weather, it sparks too many arugments that will be taken way to far. Let's keep it nice and friendly here.

Anyways, I hereby admit to my fairweatherness. Seeing as how I know nothing about sports, I choose the team that is winning always. It is usually a winning strategy.

Favorite NFL Team: Ravens
Favorite NBA Team: Lakers
Favorite NHL Team: Avalanche

There, those are my favorite teams. I don't care about baseball so I didn't choose a team.

[edit]oops forgot the blank line rule[/edit]

This post is for Nicky boy. I am not fair weather. I find it very coincidental that i was wearing those shirts on those particular days, however, i have reasons for them. 1) for the spurs shirt, I had just been in San Antonio for my cousin's wedding, and being that they're from San Antonio and are big spurs fans they thought that I should get a spurs shirt. Also, my Oklahoma shirt was given to me as a gift for my birthday from a former alumni of OU who is a good friend of my mom's. I was not going to be ungracious and not accept a new t-shirt. However, not once did I ever say that they are "my team". Not once did I say that to anyone. I never rooted for L.A. either, I rooted for the sixers the whole series..(in which case they were the underdogs). Also, the single biggest reason that I like duke's bball program isn't necessarily because they're good or storied, but because of the quality of people that come through the program, as well as coach kryzewski being in my opinion the best coach in the country. What's not to like about that? You also know that my favorite overall college is obviously my homestate Iowa and I root for them in all games that they play. I think that you're a moron and can suck a nut. People like nick can eat me raw. ( I found that video by the way bitch).