Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Saturday, November 10, 2001

Re: Let's Get Ready to Rumble
Lol, lets save the rest of this for JSA...besides, I think that my arguments still stand, and I don't really want to write another novel this weekend, let alone read all of your post because I'm lazy, and because I've got two Humanities papers to write yet this weekend. Sorry I "misinterpreted" your joke. No hard feelings, eh? Too bad we're not on the same side against some other poor bastard, lol...

Enough jumping to conclusions on who Descartes is. We'll probably never know who it is, and its obviously not worth wasting out time on. It's not Morton and it's not Winetroub, and those were fucking stupid guesses. Descartes is some idiot who can't even read enough of our archives to realize that Eamonn is Jewish and probably is not going to be homophobic (nor had he said anything remotely close to it either). He's trying to stir us all up and its working, leave the idiot alone. He fails to even see the difference between homophobia and the use of the word "Gay" as an insult. Homophobia, taken literally, means someone who is actually frightened or scared of someone who is a homo. I don't think anyone on this page would run like mad from someone who was gay. No one here is homophobic in that aspect. My step-sister is gay, and I love her just as much as my straight step-sister; it makes no difference to me.

Realize this, Descartes: 'gay' as a word started out meaning happy, nice, friendly, etc. Take the Flintstones' theme, "We'll have a gay old time...!" What was meant by that? Gay as in happy or fun. Over the years, 'gay' has taken on a meaning to indicate one that is a homo. GASP--THE MEANING CHANGED ALONG WITH A CHANCE IN SOCIETY! OH NO! Society never, ever, ever sits still. It is changing further still. The fact of the matter is that gay has taken on a THIRD definition: that of being 'bad' or 'stupid'. Is this insinuating that being gay (the second definition) is also bad or stupid? No! The definitions aren't bleeding. Society has come to take on this word as being bad or stupid as a third definition. That's a fact. Deal with it. Words change meanings. It means happy, it means homo, it means bad. That's life. Deal with it.

Let's Get Ready To Rumble!
"Throughout the entire election, from start to finish, Pate said absolutely nothing--that's jack shit--about what he plans to for our city when elected..."
Is it necessary that a politician make promises during the campaign? Often these are empty and unfulfilled anyways. Obviously, the voters of our fair city (which has more registered Dems than registered GOP members...) decided that perhaps it isn't necessary to campaign with empty rhetoric--things are often very different from the campaign versus the real-world when one enters office. Please don't get me wrong--I'm not necessarily suggesting Pate was the best candidate by any means... in fact, in light of good competition, it's quite possible he could've been defeated... but he represented a solid and reliable alternative (with loads of political experience) to Clancey, who has grown further and further from the people that elected her in the first place. It's quite possibly Clancey would've been defeated in the last election, had there been any solid competition--but no one was willing to step up to the point. Whomever did run (I don't remember who) was clearly not likely at all to win.

"You say "Actions, my friends, actions speak louder than words," but Pate has no "actions" applicable to this election..."
My point was that one can't form any valid opinion on Pate until you've seen him in action. If you want to bash Pate once he actually takes office, by all means, have at it. If he starts making foolish moves left and right, sleep well knowing you only have to deal with two years of him. Yes, I know Clancey has many solid actions to back her up, and I'm pleased with nearly all of them. But what's with this socialism with Hy-Vee? Hy-Vee is a huge lumbering company that certainly has the funds to build a new store, and make back money on said investment (they are, after all, the only store in that area...) and yet, Clancey and Todd demanded that the city of Cedar Rapids give Hy-Vee money, That's asinine that we need to help that company in any way, shape or form. Fact is, we don't. They would've built a new store anyway and made back the money in no time. But Clancey and Todd insisted... why? Because it makes them look good to the voters of Wellington Heights and that area! The whole thing was a scam for votes, and the residents of our city realize that! Clancey isn't flawless, she has many successes, but many fuck-ups, and maybe it's time for someone else to take a swing at it. If Pate sucks, I'd be willing to bet Clancey could easily win the spot back in two years!

"...(CR) still maintains the 2nd lowest property taxes out of any "major" city in Iowa..."
Perhaps so... but how many major cities have the ridiculous amount of fees and taxes we do? Trash fee, extra bag fee, recycling fee... the list goes on and on. By mentioning only the property taxes, you're evading the real issue entirely. Perhaps they are low, but if you get the whole picture of finance that a resident has to do with, its bordering on ridiculous. Property taxes are no where near the only way CR makes money.

I will not argue any point when it comes to Harvard and the New Yorker. If you're indeed citing these articles (and I have little reason to doubt you), then obviously my source was mistaken, and I retract my statements. However, you still fail to mention Gore's grades, which I'm sure aren't that wonderful either.

I don't think it's necessary to call me bigoted, when you have no information or quotes to back that up, and also, the huffing statement was a joke, bud. :)

George W. Bush is not wonderful at giving speeches. Neither is Derek Meek, but can you deny the fact that Meek is intelligent? He may be one of the most annoying people to walk the face of the earth, he may have the social skills of a fly, and he can't speak for shit, but I'll be damned if he isn't one smart kid. George W. Bush isn't good at speaking, again, I'll concede that point to you. But if he was, suddenly the world would be filled with accusations like he's "all show" and the like. Reagan was the king of television and speaking, and all the time he was attacked for just looking good and saying the right thing, but when the facts come down on paper, the 80s were a period of intense growth across the board. Yes, GWB is not a great speaker, but I fail to see the point you're making with that. Big deal. His speaking skills are adequate--they get the job done, and when he's fired up and emotional, as he was when he delivered that speech to the joint session of Congress, there were few presidents that could rival that speech.

Bush has high approval ratings because he has done an excellent job handing America after the attacks. People approve the job he has done. Is that to say Gore couldn't? I'm not making that statement. I don't think you need to use it as a negative attack of some sort. Bush has done a good job, give him credit where credit is due. Not anyone with a pulse could do what he has done; that's fallacious to think so. My German teacher, Frau Weiß is a registered Republican. She voted for Al Gore. She stated on Friday, "I voted for Gore... but hind-sight is always 20/20. Had I known these attacks were to occur, I definately would've voted for Bush." I think of a lot of America agrees. At the time of the election, defense was really low on everyone's radar. Nothing was happening and nothing had happened for at least 18 months... no one was even considering it. But we're now in a war-like situation, and it's good to know GWB is at the helm.

Hey Tyler, where the hell do you think the money came from to make these improvements to the schools? Not a local option tax--but a BOND! The public didn't want a local option tax, they wanted a bond. They turned down a local option tax for schools twice, and passed the bond in one shot. I think I need not make any other argument on that subject.

For over 75 years now, Franklin Middle School has been an institution of learning here in our fair city. It has been maintained through nothing more than the standard district funding for those 75 years, and that is a fine building in fine shape. Standard maintenance has kept it well-oiled and running smoothly. See, here's the difference: in Waterloo, schools really are falling apart... schools really are in bad shape. A big injection of $$$ is needed to get these buildings back in fair shape--versus in Cedar Rapids, our schools ARE currently in good condition. If we continue to fund them appropriate, I see no reason for that not to continue. That's not to say I'm even against the bonds or improvements being made to the schools, they are certainly fair and appropriate, and if I was of voting age, I would've approved the bond myself. I'm just saying that you can't resort to hysterics to make your point, it's not the case.

That first line was a joke. You're a great guy and fun to spar with. I just get pissed off with the 'idiot' comments--first GWB, now Pate? Give the guy a chance first.

I didn't really know this was a competition. I guess I'm your bitch or something now. Wow.

Bam, Blickity Blam
Due to the abundance of the logic sauce eschewing from Mr. TB's rants in the last few hours, and the lack of representation of the Junior Class in BBP, I nominate Tyler to be an admin on the council. He would make a great liberal addition to what is now a fairly conservative board. I throw these truths, which I hold to be self evident, to the dogs. Chew what you will.

Re: Pate (finally)
Okay, fine, conceded, Pate may be an intelligent man, but it certainly doesn't mean that he should be our mayor. Throughout the entire election, from start to finish, Pate said absolutely nothing--that's jack shit--about what he plans to for our city when elected, in addition to MISSING THE DEBATE, which is an utterly unacceptable and inexcuseable action for someone serious about running for public office (even Brockette was there, jesus), and completely lacking almost any knowledge or direct experience with Cedar Rapids whatsoever which his state and national office experience doesn't even come close to neutralizing or compensating for his lack of knowledge about the people he represents, not to mention their wants and needs. You say "Actions, my friends, actions speak louder than words," but Pate has no "actions" applicable to this election (which doesn’t benefit your pitiful argument like you insinuated) and CR to speak of, while Clancey has a slew of them, including especially the fact that Cedar Rapids, despite numerous public improvements, still maintains the 2nd lowest property taxes out of any "major" city in Iowa. By the way, your fiery all-caps proclaiming of the glory of our educational system completely works to my advantage--why switch up mayors if things are so good? Way to go, dumbass.

With respect to our president's intelligence, if you can call it that, and his supposed “4.0 GPA in college versus tree-huggin’ hippy Gore’s 2.0 GPA” I'd like initially to cite The Harvard Crimson newspaper’s editorial “Bush—no member of the intelligentsia” written on November 12, 1999 regarding the subject:

“As for Republican presidential front-runner George W. Bush, he seems to have no problems convincing the masses(however unintentionally) that he's no member of the intelligentsia. The New Yorker recently printed a transcript from Bush's years at Yale which revealed him to be a rather mediocre student. He had highs of 88 in philosophy and anthropology, a low of 69 in astronomy, with a GPA somewhere in the mid-C range.”

Oh, and by the way Adam, captain fuckup also managed to swing a 73 in his POLITICAL SCIENCE class. No Adam, those are FACTS, you lying sack of bigoted shit. Gore was nowhere near those embarrassing lows. Even if you discount that, fucking watch CNN for five minutes and watch GW struggle to form sentences and wrestle with the three and four-syllable words provided by his speech writers for him on the teleprompter. You can’t argue with that, and you certainly can’t argue with Harvard, or the fact that GWB didn’t have any foreign intelligence experience, or the fact that GWB didn’t have any national office experience. Although the alternative wasn’t necessarily the “magic bullet” for all of America’s problems, it was certainly worlds better than our “choice,” and most likely would have been elected anyway if it wasn’t for Nader, but that’s besides the point. The only reason Bush enjoys such high approval ratings right now is because of the September 11th attacks, which any president with a pulse could use (as Bush has done) to gain the same extreme popularity by pump out speech after speech about patriotism and the evils of the Taliban and terrorism, etc.

Thirdly, the destination of the money projected to be derived from the local option sales tax was clearly delineated towards specific goals—it wasn’t a block grant (do you know what that is?) like you claimed, and “floating a bond” would be stupid because it would generate an astronomical city debt that the local option initiative was created to avoid. Also, your attempt to link the horrible state of our school facilities with educational results is ridiculous—do you honestly think that we should just let the schools go until they start doing poorly because classrooms are being flooded with rainwater, and kids are missing most of the week because of weather to do something? If we want to stay as good as we are educationally, we need to invest in it.

You know Adam, you didn’t have to make this personal like you did out of the first line of your post. You could have tried to refute my “arguments” (of which there were really none to speak of, because I was just posting more or less as a joke—euthanasia?) as a decent human being. Oh well, you got up on your soapbox, made a fool out of yourself, got back down, and forced me to make you my bitch. You lose, whore.

To the "Philosophers"
descartes is nothing more than a self-righteous punkass with nothing better to do on a Friday night than carry out his little argumentative fantasies under the guise of an alias designed to make him feel like a transcendental badass because he's referencing an "obscure" Enlightenment philosopher. Jesus, do you realize how pathetic you are sitting back on your fat ass at home on a weekend critiquing every post we make like we were writing our master's thesis? I'd like to see you produce something of worth, you nihlistic piece of dog shit. That goes for people like "Franz Kafka" too--yeah, it's really fucking cool to name yourself after a philosopher you don't even fully understand and spend hours hurling the same tired insults at people you don't even know under the cover of it. Fuck both of you--leave, and know that just because a few people on this site may be shameless bigots, it doesn't mean that we all are.

To stray away from the oh so interesting search for descartes, some great news concerning World Cup qualification play-offs in Europe. Germany tied with the Ukraine 1-1, in the Ukraine, which is a good thing. Also, Slovenia beat Romania 2-1, which made me happy. I know none of you guys could give a crap about this but, I had to vent my jubilation somewhere, and what better place than Bigboyz?

GTA 3:
The ultimate party game.

Friday, November 09, 2001

Roger, Rogue Leader!
Well, Best Buy finally got in their two demo kiosks today for GameCube and Xbox. All I can say is, it's about time! I've been eager to actually play a GameCube for sometime now, and finally, my chance has arrived. The GameCube was, of course, running Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader. This game will sell GameCubes. No question about it, this is some incredible shit. People were stopping, mouths ajar in Best Buy at the graphics... if you were a decent distance away, you could swear it was one of the original movies.

However, plugs for graphics aside, let's talk the GCN controller. I'm sure many of you are familiar with the GameCube's questionable design for the controller. Question nothing. This is a fantastic controller. First off, it's a bit tiny, but boy, is it ever comfortable. The thing literally just melts into your hand. This is the most comfortable controller availible. Dreamcast a close second, PS2 third, Xbox dead last. The button layout is fantastic. Having never held a GameCube controller in my hand, I instantly knew the button layout. The big-ass A button fired my shots, the two kidney-bean shaped X and Y buttons changed views, and the little red B button was secondary fire. The L and R buttons have a unique little quirk about them too. The Dreamcast's L and R buttons were hinged--they swung downward, but only from the back part of the button. On the GCN controller, the whole button pushes down... the harder your push, the faster your ship goes (or the faster it slows down) until you reach the 'click' point. When you push down the button all the way, it 'clicks', and this can have an entirely different effect. In an X-Wing in Rogue Leader, your S-Foils close (the X-Wing's wings come together...) so the ship can fly supa-fast.

The whole atmosphere of the first three movies is recreated flawlessly. The game uses ridiculous amounts of voice from the movies, and actual footage too! I played the first mission, the run on the Death Star... into the trench I went. Three TIEs popped up behind me, I slowed down and wasted them as they flew past. I did this once or twice. Then Darth Vader showed up! I had to slam on the brakes, shoot him like mad, then he'd fly off for a while and come back. As I flew closer to the exhaust point, Ben Kenobi chimed in, "Use the force, Luke.... let go, Luke...". I turned off my targeting computer, just like the movie. General Raikin, again right outta the movie said, "His targeting computer's turned off. Luke, is something wrong?" Luke replies, "No, no, I'm fine." Again... a few TIEs show up behind me, and before I know it, they explode! Han Solo yells, "All right kid, you're all clear! Now let's blow this place!" The exhaust point beckoned and I unleased a photon torpedo. Then... BAM! Footage right out of the movie with the ships drawn in real-time in front of it. An awesome scene that made me feel right smack in the end of Episode IV.

Bottom line, head to Best Buy and play the GameCube. It impressed me a hell of a lot more than the Xbox and it's $100 cheaper. Too bad I won't be able to buy one.

New Slogan!
Obviously, our slogan to the left is getting tired and worn out. But it doesn't have to be! If you readers have any new l33t ideas for a slogan, post it in the comments!

42nd Street
I'm going tonight, and I'm doing so under the direct advice that it was gonna be cool. If this sucks, I'm comming for blood, and I'm gonna curb some bitch for stealing my precious time and or money. w0rd.

Wacky Jackson
I just read an article saying that Micheal Jackson also plans to open a "computer school" for children on the property of his ranch!! I mean come one, do people not see what's happening here?

what the hell?
OK, I don't know what the hell is going on here but, I have never posted one thing on this site to even remotely suggest that I am homophobic which, I'd like to add, I am not. I am one of the most tolerant people arpund, and most of these guys who write here can vouch for that.

Feelin so Bohemian, Like You.
The Dandy Warhols re-released this great piece of work this week, and it started @ number five. In other news, Micheal Jackson is being tested for anthrax, along with his two children. Micheal Jackson, once the king of pop, now weakened to the level of pulling publicity stunts like claiming to have anthrax. What a shit-eater. This news brought to you by

With all he has said about us using the work "gay", he probably is a homo. Why the hell dont you just go some where else? No one here said anything about you or toward you, so get a life and leave a highschool site alone already. You're just annoying. What a lame duck.

Smells like Winetroub...
I think that "descartes" = Michael Winetroub--check out this sick-fuck comment he posted on Eamonn's advertisement for the play:

"sure, i'll bring along a rifle and blow your brains out the back of your skull JFK-style to show your maggot friends on BBP what happens to homophobic high school pissants. cant wait.
descartes @ 08 Nov 01 19:44"

Adam/other admins: Is there any way to restrict who gets to post comments? I think that BBP would be better off totally devoid of loserfuck Winetroub's disgruntled rantings.

Thursday, November 08, 2001

Is the best fucking newspaper you'll ever read in your short life. Watch for people like me and Swifty tomorrow stylin' and profilin' in our sleek, supersexy Surveyor t-shirts. Yeah baby, and read the Plagman-friendly version of my penis article.

D-d-d-d-do Ya Have It?
Adam, your referring to the show Guts on Nickelodeon. Hosted by Mike O'Malley and with referre Moira Quark. It got lame when it when to global guts.

HAHA, you did it again...your not diggin hard enough man. If you woulda worked tonight, like u said you did. You woulda gotton paid. I made the mad cash tonight, and have over 400 in my cowhide, so chill the hell out. Lil girl wow. You'll get your cash tommorow. No wonder you are zacks lil woman. All you do is cry. Also, you KNOW dan well thatmy rents have made me give them all of my last paychecks practicly. Nothin worse than a cry baby. You're not poor, your not in need of the money. Or do you need to go buy Jackie some undies now.......


Ward's Debts
Matt Ward has owed me $40 for quite a time now. He gets paid every two weeks on Wednesday. Every paycheck he's received has been over $200. Yet, three paychecks have gone by since I loaned him this money, and I haven't seen it yet. Comment on this post and tell him to get his act together!

Re: Leet
Adam, you = dumb. Just becasue I am playing a game and dont want to talk at the moment you do, don't go cry like a lil' school girl and write stupid stuff to make me look bad. I don't care if i am leet or not. I am a senior, not a sophmore. Stop trying to impress all the sophmores by trying to act, talk, and BE like them! Legally, you are and ADULT. That post was mad stupid. If you want to make fun of me, do it in a way that actual makes sence. leetness or whatever doesn't cut it. You are better than that. Come up with better putdowns. For someone who got a 33 on the ACT's you sure don't act very "smart" sometimes. So, you can either take it down or leave it up. I don't care. I will take this down if you give me the same respect. (Though I am sure you will do that for me, cuz no one can't say anything bout you)

Sorry for the lack of posts today, Blogger's been down for over 2.5 hours tonight, so we've been unable to post your latest dose of everything... or is it nothing?

Matt Ward shall never been l33t as long as he shall live. Give it up Ward.

More About Comments
You don't have to register or anything to post your comments, just fill in your name and email addy. That's it. It'll save them for you so you don't have to retype them every time you comment. Those who post comments reguarly might be considered for full writing positions on BBP, so hit those comments!

D-d-d-do you have it?
"D-d-d-do you have it?" Name the show with that slogan in the comments. First person to name it gets nothing but a warm fuzzy feeling.

My Triumphant Return
I am back.

Fallacies Abound!
After reviewing Adam's comments more, I now have 2 words for you.....AD HOMINEM!! (I know, it's Latin, so you might have to look it up)

I'm back
Hi all. Crazy mayoral elections. Pate eats shit.

IQ Test
Everyond wanting to see how smart they really are, has a new IQ test. For those who took it before, this is not the same one where there are an unlimmitted number of questions, and your score is based upon how long it takes for you to quit. Seems like a pretty good test but is a bit distrubing that more people wrote down "Me" for the smartest person ever than Einstein.

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

About Mayor Clancey
I am not hear to complain although I wish that Mayor Clancey would have been re-elected. I'm just curious though, why some people think that she's a democrat? She's a registered republican, but sided with Gore because of his views on education which is reasonable in my opinion (although gore can eat my poop).

More Choice Facts About Our Lovely New Mayor....
Pate cited in his flyer he put around CR that he is in the "Kennedy High School Hall of Fame" and the "Kirkwood CC Hall of Fame". That's right, his only education consists of that from Kirkwood Community College, I could go for hours about what's so wrong with that. However I'd also add that there is no Kennedy HS "Hall of Fame" for anything except wrestling, he's citing some accomplishment in wrestling as a qualification for being mayor, I don't know about you,but it seems to me that these don't matter shit when you're in the "real world".

On the other hand...
straying away from the exciting world of politics, you guys should all come and see 42nd street some time this weekend. If not for the actual entertainment value, at least to see a white boy with a fro tap dancing like crazy (that would be me). peace out ya'll.

All Right You Damned Right Wingers
First off, Pate's son is a racist and should be curb-stomped. Second...most of the people who voted for Pate were the geriatric old people who felt like change for the sake of change. Adam, you don't like Clancy because she's a democrat. That's all your logic has told us. You chose to use the ass-bad logic of "oh, Tyler must be doing drugs to think like this" and, failed. Do you know Paul Pate and George Bush on a personal enough level to prove they aren't idiots? I'm sure they did fine in school, but does that mean they're cut for politics? Bush is doing a good job right now, no lie there, but, I think that Pate doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Jake makes a good point about the power of the conservatives. Fiscal spending is about it.

Also....Cops suck.

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

There are rules that must be followed in order to break the taco eating record, and you definatly were not following them when you ate your 17, since you did it during the summer, for one, so the most important rules of doing it within the lunch period (not leaving early and with no tardies) was obviously not met, as well as not going to class the rest of the day, or pretty much any of the rules. The record stands at my own 16, and if you eat 18 next week, then all power to ya, but until then, you have no record to speak of, Teidamann.

Get ready for a thorough ass-raping with own contradictions, lies, and feeble reasoning skills, Adam, you ignorant conservative hate-zealot--I have an art presentation to do.

Re: Pate
Adam, Rebpublican does not ALWAYS mean the better choice. Remember that. And what does college have to do with running the country?

Your all impeis.

This Sunday if we get 500 hits Adam promised to buy me 18 tacos so I can break my own record of 17. So everybody tell your friends so I can get some tacos!!!! WE NEED UNIQUE VISITORS THOUGH SO HOLD OFF SATURDAY AND COME SUNDAY!!!!

Pate = shit. His kid = a dick. Why oh why must we vote conservative? This isn't national issues. The only control they have is fiscal spending. In reality, every person who wants out of this hellhole should vote Clancy... Why? Because she blows money like it's white columbian powder. Get out edumacation and get out is what I say. On a side note: 213 pounds? Holy god! Seriously, this is what's wrong with our criminal justice system. Under no reason should this man have conceeded to the vehicle being searched. But people are unaware, they think they'll get off with less if they do. NOT TRUE. NEVER CONSENT TO WARRANTLESS SEARCHES. UNLESS YOU CONSENT, THEY CAN'T SEARCH YOUR CAR AND STEAL YOUR 213lbs of HIGH QUALITY HYDROPONIC. JUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS, AND ASK THEM AT THE END OF THE DIALOGUE IF YOU ARE BEING ARRESTED OR NOT? IF THEY SAY NO, YOU CAN LEAVE, THEY CAN'T DETAIN YOU WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT OR ARRESTING YOU.

Re Paul Pate and old people
Mr. T said it best......"I pity the fool" And the fool is not Mayor Pate.

Paul Pate and old people = Shit
At least with respect to choosing our mayor, CR seems a bit of a...uh..."reverse microcosm" for the presidential election--voters chose based on superficial first impressions of the slightly more charismatic candidate, and wind up with a brainless, under-qualified fuckup. Four years of famine, brought to you by the worthless and resource-sucking 65+ segment of the population who have nothing better to do than to go to city council meetings and bitch about ridiculous minutia--the same folks who formed ALOT and defeated the obviously beneficial local option tax proposals twice in a row because it's too much of a strain on their social security money to pay one more fucking penny on every dollar so schoolchildren can learn in safe and adequate facilities. It's euthanasia time, baby...who's with me?

Hot Damn!
213 pounds!! Wow! That's straight outa Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels!

Marky got with Sharon
Sharon got Cherice
She was sharin' Sharon's outlook on the topic of the disease
Mikey had a facial scar
Bobby was a racist
They were all in love with dyin'
They were doin' it in Texas
Tommy played piano like a kid out in the rain
Then he lost his leg in Dallas
He was dancin' with a train
They were all in love with dyin'
They were drinking from a fountain
That was pourin' like an avalanche comin' down the
I don't mind the sun sometimes
The images it shows
I can taste you on my lips and
Smell you in my clothes
Cinnamon and sugary
Like softly spoken lies
You never know just how you look
Through other people's eyes.
Some will die in hot pursuit
In fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a
That is pouring like an avalanche comin' down the
Another Mikey caught a knife
While arguing in traffic
Flipper died a natural death
He caught a nasty virus
Then there was the ever present
Football player-rapist
They were all in love with dyin'
They were doin' it in Texas
Holly caught a bullet
But it only hit his leg
Well, it should have been a better shot and
got him in the head
They were all in love with dyin'
They were drinkin' from a fountain
That was pourin' like an avalanche comin' down the

This could only happen to a Cowboy. Nate Newton found with 213 lbs. of pot. Goes to show, once a G-money, always a G-money.

Guess Who?
Your an impei. Your an impei. Your an impei. Your an impei. Your an impei. Your an impei. Your an impei. Your an impei. Your an impei. Your an impei. Your an impei.

Who Am I Pt. 2

Re: Who Am I?
Swifty in 30 years?

Who Am I?

I NEED Sound

My sound is fuxored beyond belief. I really need my computer guru Adam to come over and fix it. God Xp is gay and I have no sound. All I get is gay ass computer sound shit like I’m logging on to a 56K modem. This must stop soon.

Sorry about the Raiders post. I was talking about Gannon being the best QB, IMHO. I'll re-read better from now on....

Re:PC Gaymes
Everyone should get Dark Ages of Camelot... now thats a real game. It takes time, skill and true teamwork to play this game, not to mention its fun as hell. Check it out and see what u think. It also costs $10 a month but that shouldn't amount to JACK considering most of you have jobs.

Well, I failed a Stat. quiz today, because I'm an idiot... Urgh. Anyways, though, those of you who like violence, don't like David Pace (I do, he's a likable enough fellow), or both of the two, should come to the play this weekend. I punch him in the gut and walk off. It's a grand ol' time.

PC Gaymes
Save your money and get a console. Console gaming is where its at. Play on a comfortable couch with your buddies on a big TV. That's gaming. PC Gaymes are just that, mad gay. If you insist on being a gaymer, allow me to suggest Return to Castle Wolfenstein when it's released later this year--and forget Half-Life. That's a three year old game and Counter-Strike is getting lamer and stupider by the day. The absolute disgusting amount of hacks floating around have created a witchhunt like atmosphere, all it takes is some baseless accusations and BAM, you're banned without ever getting a chance to prove your innocence--and the real hackers (Mike) are getting annoying. I like to play a game to challenge my skills and have fun trying to improve--where is the fun in cheating and shooting someone without any effort or REAL skill? It's immoral and boring. Don't waste your money on Half-Life. Get RTCW, that is a hell of a lot of fun, and also be sure to check Max Payne. I don't really see any amazing PC games on the near horizon, yet the console market is filled with some unbelievable games. Metal Gear Solid 2, GTA 3, Devil May Cry, and more. Hail to the consoles, baby!

Rich Gannon is not a coach, he is a quaterback. I belive the person you are thinking of is John Gruden. And learn how to spell, please read over your posts.

The spellcheck feature is back on the blogger updater. I advise that you use it.

I skipped school today and worked!!!

I absaluetily hate the scule i go to. Scule is boering and its layme. I wesh i cud skeyp scule and not ever go.

Monday, November 05, 2001

My men in black owned the Broncs.....hmmm...broncs, sounds like Bronx. Didn't a rotten team from the Bronx get beatin' yesterday as well? How delightfully wonderful.

The game is at 21 (OAK) - 12 (DEN). What an awsome game. Rich Gannon is one of the best coache in the League right now. Of course it doesn't hurt to have the likes of Timmy Brown and Jerry Rice on you're side as well. I'm saying right now.....Raiders all the way. Denver won't make it to the palyoffs.

Dark Ages...
Get Dark Ages of Camelot. That game kicks booty. It costs 10 bucks a month but still that isn't anything at all. GET IT!

Ok, I now have my kickin graphics card. I now need some sweet games to go along with it. I am gettin' Half Life/Counterstrike tommorow or wednesday. Anyone got any other games that would be worth buying?

Re: Chemistry Test
Note: Adam always beats me by a point or two. This was his first loss to me. I feel special.

Chemistry Test
We got back our test in Chem today. I would just like to say that I had a 50/48, and Adam had a 49/58. AKA...I BEAT him.....Awsome.

I ate my own poop last night.

ND sux0rz
Wow, ND should have been up 17-0 at half but they fumbled at the 1 and at the 3. The one at the 3 was returned 97 yards for a TD. Tennessee hadn't crossed the ND 50 yard line the whole game. God Bob Davie SUCKS!!!11

Re: Gullible is written on the ceiling!
Dang Adam, I remember when we pulled that off, haha. How long ago was that? That was hilaroius....Thanks for the good memories. Good Times, Good Times.

Gullible is written on the ceiling!
Well, spank my ass and call me Charlie. I am one gullible SOB. Mike Keesy and Dave Virden deserve some credit for this great prank.

The story goes like this: Dave got online and started telling me how screwed up Mike was. Mike has been a good friend of mine since like sixth grade. Anyhow, Dave said that Mike was getting into some heavy drugs like crystal meth and heroin. Supposedly, his parents had found some heroin in his drawer and kicked him out of the house for good. He was then living with some 25 year old from Kirkwood and was learning how to set up a meth lab and was going to drop out of school and just sell meth and work at Hy-Vee full time.

Further still, the story went, Mike was having loads of unprotected sex. David said it was with some whores from Xavier and he was getting drunk and getting laid like six times a week. He also told me that Mike had gotten his nipple pierced.

He said he was going to pick up Mike and take him to some whore's house. They showed up at my house about twenty minutes after Dave signed off.

Dave explained that Mike had started acting weird in the car and Dave stopped here because it was the closest. Before I knew they were at my house, my brother had been greeted and let into the prank, and my brother put Mike in a sleeper hold and knocked Mike out. He then called me in and sad, "ADAM! MIKE PASSED OUT!' Mike then came to and he sat in the doorway and rocked back in forth in the fetal position for like 5 minutes. I went upstairs to get him some ice, came back downstairs, and Mike had this deranged look on his face and was throwing couch pillows.

I wondered what the hell Mike was on, then Dave and Mike told me! "GOTCHYA!" It was all a big joke! Mike is cool, he isn't on anything, he hasn't dropped out, hasn't been kicked out, etc.

This prolly woulda failed if they didn't enlist Matt Ward into the joke and tell him about it. When Ward got on and I tried to tell him about Mike, he said, "Yeah, I know. It's terrible, isn't it?"

Anyhow, credit goes to Dave and Mike for an excellent prank.

Sunday, November 04, 2001

Re: Re: Swifty and Ward
Char, I say Boston all the way baby. Im aggreeing with Swifty....Anything to see the Yanks loose. Notice how i didn't put "go DBACKS" or some in my post. I put "Yanks Drule".

Re: Swifty and Ward
Quit being fairweather, I am the only real Diamondbacks fan here. Shove it.

Yanks DRULE.

This is my younger brother AJ. He looks at hentai, which is pornography with cartoon characters. My sibling is a loser KNF. Take a good look ladies, he's single!

My Humble Abode
This room is where I spend most of my time. Since tonight was a slow night, I have taken some pictures with my dads digital camera. Here they are for your viewing pleasure.

Here is my computer desk and my computer. I should clean the desk sometime. Notice the unmade bed.

A different view. You can see my bookshelf, my dresser and my phat azz lava lamp. My bed puts in a better appearance in this picture too.


Is that not the craziest shit you've ever seen?? I was almost counting out my Bears after they were down 21-7, and Shane Matthews was playing like crap, but Tyler Weston called the come-back. I can't believe that, TD off a hail-mary, then the pick by Mike Brown just like last week. Oh my fucking god, I can't believe. Bears are now 6-1, Penn State is cruising to a bowl after winning their third game of the year against Southern Miss, my teams are actually good this year! And Swifty, the Browns and Wolverines blow. Bears & Nittany Lions=Best teams ever

< sarcasm > Hello, my name is nick Kilburg, excuse me while my whipped self goes and gets even more whipped, man, I sure have no pride. < / Sarcasm >

All right... There's nothing fundamentally wrong with porn. I mean, hey, sure it's kind of pathetic, but as long as all individuals involved are over eighteen (or whatever the legal age is in the region), are completely aware of their actions, and freely agree to participate of their own volition, there's nothing wrong with it.

I <3 bowling. Especially with a pretty girl.

Fallwell = Douchebag
Nothing would make me happier then to pound a stake through Jerry Fallwell's heart. Anyone who says that the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks were caused by homosexuals and liberals has definitely got it coming....

Join the Crusade Against FILTH
A famous person once said "A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do." Well it's my turn to do what needs to be done. Everyone hear needs to read this link. We need to take a stand against the evil forces of pornography. What kind of life are my children going to have in this country with filth pervading every corner of our once sacred country? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH AND IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE! Let me know if you support me in the war on pornography. Jerry Falwell is RIGHT!

Think of the children!

Die Bob
I hope you burn.
For anyone out there with high speed internet access, I highly recomend that you check this site out, even if The King of Pop is not your bag. I find the site alone just amazing to look at. This site is nothing short of a "Thriller". I'm pretty sure that this is the only site where you can find all 13 of Michael's critictly acclaimed short films. All you have to do is click a video and Media Player starts streaming it beautifully. They will "Rock Your World", and make you want to "Scream". There is also a smooth little timeline on the site, and I would bet no one has used something like it before. I'm going to go all out and say that this site is "Bad". No other site that I have seen can "Beat It"