Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Re: Disgusted

Why is common sense at a goddamn premium at this day in age? If you're going to drag race (particularly at THOSE kinds of speeds)... aren't there far better places to do it? This is the only part of First Avenue that is 25 MPH, and the reason is because of the amount of pedestrians. If I wanted to drag, I could think of so many better places than there. Highway 30, for example.

If he in-fact did not have a seizure, I hope they throw the book at him. Again, I'm calling for Second Degree Murder, and he better get sent to pound-me-in-the-ass Anamosa.

This just bugs me so much. Alcohol was involved in the fatal accident on East Post Road. The Linn-mar accident on the Marion Bypass (Highway 100) was from lack of auto knowledge (if the car keeps accelerating, put it into neutral). A recent drug overdose also occured. All of these accidents were tragic, but entirely avoidable. Abby did nothing wrong, except be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I didn't know her very well, but I am very upset by this.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Most of you have probably heard now about the accident on First Avenue that occurred late Sunday / early Monday.  You've also probably heard how the car skidded more than a city block, hit a lightpole, and a tree.  What you might not have heard in the initial reports (what the Gazette wrote in their Monday edition) was that the car also hit two pedestrians.

Later, the reports did indicate that the car hit two pedestrians -- one Abby Bowman and a friend... and Abby didn't make it.  I was very saddened by this... Abby sat in front of me during math class my senior year.  I didn't know her particularly well, but she was always smiling, always in a good mood, and was a very pretty girl.

It's a rotten shame that the driver of this car didn't take proper care and happened to hit two people simply walking across the street.  Things happen in life that don't always make sense, and this is no exception... how does a car driving 25 MPH surprise someone walking across the street badly enough to kill them?  The speed limit is 25 at that particular point on First Avenue.  I'm a bit confused by why Abby died, but things like this do unfortunately happen, so I wasn't particularly enraged about it... just sad and upset.

Talking to my dad this morning, my view drastically changed.  He has several friends on the police force, and he had heard the complete events of what occurred. 

The car driving down First Avenue was traveling at speeds between 80 and 100 MPH.  Abby probably didn't even see the car when she went to cross the street.  She was struck with such force that her body was split in two and her upper torso struck the windshield of the car, causing the driver to lose control, skid for a block, and then hit a light pole and then the tree.

This was not an accident.  This was a man with an utter disregard for the safety of his fellow human beings, and is guilty -- in my humble opinion -- of Second Degree Murder.  I am just so sickened I don't know where to begin.  Had this man followed the rules and regulations of traffic... Abby would've been struck at worse by a car traveling 25 MPH, and would be injured, but most likely not dead.  At 25 MPH, swerving would've been possible, and Abby also probably would've seen the car coming and never would've walked out in the first place.

I am the first to admit that I'm not always the most... emotional person.  We've had a few deaths regarding Wash students, Wash grads, and other area schools... but they have almost always been at the result of poor decision making... and while sad, were not entirely unavoidable.

This is not such an example.  This is a girl who was doing nothing more than cross a street, and was sadly taken from us before her time. 

Rest in peace, Abby.