Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Thursday, November 15, 2001

Ask me what I hate! C'mon someone say, "what do you hate Bram?"

(what do you hate Bram?)


Mikey McDonald
Bram he is pathetic...

Mike McDonald???
Now, I've seen some ass-bad websites in my life, but wow.....who the hell is this guy? And how did Ashley Edmunds get on there? And why is he pissing and moaning about his ex-g/f??

Adam and Zakk = Descartes
I find this stunt very amusing and I hope that adam and zakk keep it up. Wow they even made a website

Mike McDonald's Webpage
Keesy, HOW DID YOU FIND THAT? I've been looking for that for many moons. Soon I will post the story of my dealings with Big Mac.

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

Gayest thing I have seen.
Here it is, Mikey Mcdonald Wow this kid is really pathetic.

Nasty Nate's Crazy ASCII Artwork
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Slippery Schlict and His Damn Lab Analysis...
I hate these damn papers we have to write for AP Bio......

All quiet on the Descartes front....he must be off engaging in incest with his dad or something....

Descartes likes VOCAB
Descartes, you are a pretentious contentious condescending turd. But you know what? I still get a kick out of your comments for 2 reasons: Number 1 reason, I don't give a flying fuck what you or any other person thinks of me, so it's really funny reading your comments to try and piss me off. Number 2, because your comments show how much of a lame angst loser you are who just makes fun of people with actual lives outside the world of anonymous critisism. You are a nerd, you bother us because you jealous of us. But you never will, because if your comments reflect on ANYTHING about you, it CLEARLY shows that you are an un-likable, super crtitical bastard. Oh, and by the way, your a fag and I hope you die.


If descartes insists on continuing to post on this site and harass BBP, I suggest that we eliminate the commenting feature. Although it was a great idea and fun for a while, all it's accomplishing now is to give descartes a voice for his over-critical tantrums and naked stupidity. If people want to respond to something, they can post it, and if they aren't writers for the site, well, they can submit it to one of our writers, or else become one upon approval.

descartes, fuck off
You act like such a lofty master of logic and argumentation, but the sad thing is that you rarely EVER respond directly to someone's argument or attack on you (when a legitimate one is made). Pretty convienent, isn't it--if you never have to actually face up to the good arguments against you, if you're just magically waived of all of your argumentative responsibility, how can you possibly criticize others?

All you do is pick out one single, irrelevent detail in someone's post and over-scrutinize the fuck out of, hurling a barraged of pre-packaged insults that you deem as 'clever.' Look, we all have our faults, and all of us make the "mistakes" that overanalyze (yes, even you). If I wanted to, or if anyone else in BBP or in our school or in the entire population of the world wanted to nihlistically nit-pick what people say with the blinding stupidity that is your brand of criticism, we could do it.

The point is that we don't because we're decent human beings that (most of the time) engage in meaningful conversation with others. You talk like you're some sort of big fucking brainiac, but the thing is, descartes, you're not, and this is clearly shown by the way you write, your grammatical structure, your vocabulary, you ideas especially, and virtually every other way you attempt to express yourself here. If you want to see some legitimate debating between two intellectually coherent human beings (like the kind you're attempting and utterly failing to produce on your own) read back a few days to Adam and mine's debate over the legitimacy of Pate, GWB, and school bonds, not to mention the slew of other witty and intriguing posts that have made BBP what a success that it is today. You have never, ever produced anything even remotely worth viewing (and barely worth answering), and you have accomplished nothing more than to piss people off and waste other's time answering your reptitive, stupid, carbon-copy bullshit.

You talk with such fervor and purpose, like you're scoring telling points or "exposing us for our lies," but the thing is, what you spend hours writing your pathetic and meaningless posts on is always trivial, irrelevant to the main point, and ridiculous. Anyone with the caliber of intelligence you seem to think you possess would not be doing in anyway what you are on this site. I suggest that take a good look at yourself, wonder about what the fuck you're trying to do and, whatever it is why you're failing at it, leave, and never come back. You're not cool, you're not mysterious, you're not fooling anyone and you're definitely not winning any of your ridiculous "arguments."

Okay, I'm going to lay down this one post on the topic, and then I won't say anything more unless it's in direct reply. Descartes-- go away. Since you think we're all idiots, don't you have better things to do? In any case, leave us to go about our merry adolescent ways, and go find somewhere else to ejaculate your fake empty cynicism. I'm sick of watching you beat off to the tune of world-weariness.

w00t! I got MGS2 now I am done with my HW and now i have a whole 14 hours a head of me to play! w0000t!

Well, I know no one cares, but I'll tell you anyway. Slovenia drew 1-1 with Romania to qualify for their first ever world cup. Also, Germany kicked the shit out of the Ukraine 4-1 to qualify also. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. In the words of all you people, I say...w00t!!

Being Sick Blows.
It blows big fat donkey cock. I feel like shit. Gah.

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

You guys missed one helluva concert tonight! BB fucking rocked a sold-out house! It ruled!

Re: Harry Potter
I find it comical that Jake's cute little post about the Harry Potter movie is only three spaces below piles of blood-soaked arab corpses.

Cool Song
Alien Ant Farm - Movies. This song r0x0rz!

Harry Potter
These books ruled, and the movie is going to kick ass. I'm wearing my Harry Potter glasses tonight, as I will be tomarrow and Friday. Flame me if you want, but you suck if you don't think this awesome book will be a great movie. Hogwarts Quidditch '03!!!!!

Adam, why dont you defend yourself from these adam is des cartes accusations?

Nice, appetizing pics there Chad......really.....I mean that.......

Die Towel Heads

Thats right eat Northern Alliance shit. Die fuckers



to FingerPrints.
Deadline November 15th

Wow Tripod/Descartes = gay.
Wow who ever got us kicked from tripod is gay. I bet we don't have 200 hit week nights for at least 2 weeks now. I think it was that fag/dyke, who ever it is, descartes that got us kicked off. Wow they can eat my shit.

Moving, moving, moving...
Ha, and you thought BBP was dead! We're not going anywhere, we're back with all of our content and ready to continue talking about anything! Make sure to let folks know the new address,! Thanks for sticking with us!

Monday, November 12, 2001

Adam and descartes
This argument definitely sounds attractive--Adam has been posting less and less lately....Adam, is it you? Defend yourself!

Adam B = Descartes?
Actually your right, it's probably just Adam being a dumbass and attempting to generate hits.

In addition, I've been corresponding with Descartes through email today. This is a reply to a prior email I sent:

"you're getting desperate, chuckie old boy. it's so
funny and pathetic at the same time."

It would be exactly like Adam to call me "chuckie boy". Face it Adam, the jig is up.

Big Mac
I'm glad Big Mac retired. He is a big red headed fag that isn't a baseball player at all. Wow, I know hitting home runs is good and all but Jesus, he can't run the bases, he can't field very well, and he can't buy a hit that isn't a homer. I'm not trying to say that he wasn't a good player but this was truly the perfect time to retire. He only played 90 or so games last year, and I bet half of them were pinch hits. Batting a .150 or what ever he did last year didn't help much either. I think this was truly the perfect time to retire but I don't think he deserves the respect that Barry Bonds does. He is truly the ultimate baseball player in my opinion.

Oh, and I have to agree with the rumor that I have heard that Descartes is really Adam, just trying to generate hits. That could be no more than a rumor, but it does make sense.

Meek Week
I was talking to Tyler about the posability of having a Meek week in german class, I think that it would be a good idea. At the end of the week we could have a vote on whether to keep him or not (thuogh more than likely we would kick him off). I think that allowing some uterly out of place and overcompensating rants for a week could do the site good.

I wanna...
I wanna bone the imaginary descartes. She's a honey. Too bad descartes has to be some twink who thinks that they're funny by making random lies up in order to try and fool the BBP crew.

Re: Meek Week
Actually, that's a halfway decent idea. As long as we limit his number of posts, to say three per week, it might be amusing. I love being threatened by those inferior to me (to a point), it makes me feel powerful to know that I can squash them like a bug. Also, so long as we all have the capability to vote him off, we should be able to control him. I like it- good idea, Tyler.

Meek Week
I think that we should allow Derek Meek on to BBP for one week just to see what happens--every week, we can vote on whether or not he gets to stay.

Tomorrow Night!
BB King at the Paramount! I can't wait!!

Would you like to see the depths of pathos? How deep one nerd can fall in his attempt to come off as witty and insulting? If so, be sure and check out honestly, I've never seen something quite so sad. First off, the person claims to be 15, and go to Wash. This isn't true, simply because anyone looking like that, (and I'm sure I speak for all straight males here) we'd have all noticed. In addition, Descartes states that they are a systems analyst. They then incorrectly state just what exactly a systems analyst is. A systems analyst is NOT the entity that guards the network against crashes, or reboots sectors that have trouble. That duty belongs to an on-site systems administrator. A systems analyst (which by the way most usually is a consultant position, with a necessary knowledge of system implementation and business modeling) monitors, analyzes and prescribes system implementations. Obviously, this person is not who they claim. No 15 year old, in the entire world, is a systems analyst. System administrator, maybe, but that's not what "she" said. In addition, I believe since they already lied about their occupation, they're lying about their gender/age. This person doesn't write like a 15 year old girl, and isn't one. Nice try rim-king.

Yesterday was my last day at Hy-Vee. So long, suckers!

Best Buy
I have my orientation at Best Buy tomorrow at 5 PM. That r0x0rs. Finally, finally, it starts!

SHIT ONLY 476!!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2001

Shallow Hal
I caught a showing of Shallow Hal today. It was surprisingly excellent. Not only was it mad funny (thanks to Jason Alexander), but it also made a really solid point without resorting to sappy cliched obvious messages... subtletly was the order of the day, and after leaving the movie, I can think of no greater compliment than Devin Parker commenting, "I feel really shallow now."
it's fuckin hilarious.

Last night
Pate and GWB got r0x0red.

My only gripe with THPS3 is that it's grown stagnant. Sure it looks nice, yeah its prettier than 2, but in many ways it's inferior. The levels are too big; the levels have become the focus of the game, instead of the rad skating. The tricks have gotten old, and the gameplay is exactly the same as 2; THPS to THPS2 was a big jump in terms of gameplay, however, that jump is abset in 2 to 3, I pulled a 110,000 point combo not even trying just randomly doing tricks in foundry. This game is no longer a skating game. Although I can appreciate Nordies affinity for the game, I feel that in no way does it even compare with the new generation of great games on the PS2, among them GT3, GTA3, NCAA 2002, and Devil May Cry. In response to Charlie's "no" vote I have only one thing to say. As an admin, would you rather have me bend and buckle to your every whim, or give you qualifiable reasons why I disagree? This is why, even though I don't think THPS3 is a good game, I should still be an admin. I have the decency to tell you what I think, and why I think it, every time. That's the kind of thing BBP needs, not this "your opinions are different you shouldn't be an admin" crap.

Tony Hawk 3
This is without a doubt the greatest game in existance. I have been playing it nearly non-stop since I got it Friday afternoon, and boy am I happy with it. The graphics look great on the PS2, the textures are very nice and the framerate is very smooth. The great Neversoft level design also appears once again, with all 9 (basic) levels being excellent. I actually like the PS2 controls more then I liked the DC configuration. The revert is a great new move, which allows you to pull off you vert combos. Also, this game has secrets galore. There is at least one hidden area in each level, and 3 levels which are unlocked if the game is completed 100% with enough skaters. So far I've unlocked Darth Maul, Wolverine, and the Warehouse from the original THPS. Skaters used: Rodney Mullin, Darth Maul, Tony Hawk, and I've almost hit my fourth time with Steve Caballero. The bonus videos also take advantage of the PS2's power. In addition to the standard skating footage, you get little inserts into the video, such as a tour of Tony Hawk's home or Steve Caballero jamming with his newly-formed band or riding his dirtbike in his backyard course.

10/10, everyone should make this purchase. Hell, I bought a PS2 just for this game and am completely satisifed in everyway possible.

Jake disliked THPS 3, so I am going to say NAY in his admin vote unless he can convince me otherwise.

I am thinking whether or not I will support your bid to become an admin, seeing as I have been here since the beggining. Here is your trivia question, How many teams are in the Big 10? No Cheating, just answer off the top of your head.

RE:RE: Nebraska
Nebraska should be number 1 in both poles. I don't understand how swifty can say that Miami should be number 1 then go on to say that Oklahoma or Texas will win it all. If you are saying that these two teams are better than Miami then you have to put Nebraski at the number 1 spot becuase they are undefeated and have beaten Oklahoma, who was, by the way number 1 ranked in the AP Pole before the loss to Nebraska. On a side note the Big 12 title game does nothing but hurt big 12 teams, basically it hurts any teams chance to go undefeated in the Big 12, it will likely mean that that the two best teams have to play twice, which makes the chances for boths teams to lose once go up. This hurts the chances of a Big 12 team to go the national championship game.

Wow, I said it once and I'll say it again. THE BEARS STILL SUCK. ph33r the Packers.

Re: Nebraska
Right now, Nebraska is playing football better than anyone in the country. They've beaten quality competition in the Big XII which is the toughest conference in football. Miami on the other hand still has not put together a full game, and with Ken Dorsey's performance yesterday (arguably his worst) with 4 interceptions, their offense is not hanging tough like Nebraska's with Eric Crouch at the reign. I agree with Swifty that Miami went into Doak Campbell Stadium and pounded FSU, a difficult task any year, but FSU is not nearly as good this year as they've been in the past. The noles' new qb Chris Rix threw 4 int's in that game if I'm not mistaken. Overall, Nebraska has played better competition, and played well against the best. Miami has not, and in turn has struggled. While I agree that both teams should be ranked #1 and #2 in the country based on their records, I give Nebraska the crown of being the best football team in America.

Re: Nebraska/Miami
Until Nebraska loses, they are the #1 team in the country, based on the fact they are undefeated in the Big XII. Yes, they do always have trouble with Colorado, and Colorado is a good team this year so I wouldn't be surprised to see Nebraska fall to Colorado or Oklahoma in the Big XII title game. Miami will lose one of their final three games, opening the door for Florida to play in the Rose Bowl against the winner of Nebraska/Oklahoma. Florida is playing very good right now, like the Florida team in 96', and they don't have anymore really tough games besides playing a decent Tennessee team that ND should have beat, and a not so great Florida State. That's my prediction, Florida vs. Nebraska/Oklahoma in the Rose Bowl, and right now I'd have to say Nebraska will win it all. AND MATT SENNECA IS TERRIBLE.

Re: College Football
I agree with Chad 100% when I say Nebraska should be ranked higher than Miami. Both are undefeated, but Nebraska is undefeated while playing in the Big XII, which is millions of times better than the Big East. The Big XII has three teams (Nebraska, Texas and Oklahoma) that could easily be in one of the BCS bowls, as of right now the Big East only has 1, which is Miami. Right now the Big XII is by far the best conference in football, followed by probably the SEC or the ACC. The teams in the Big East right now probably aren't any better than the ones in the Big Ten, which isn't saying much at all. And MATT SENNECA IS AWFUL.

RoughRiders sux0rz m3
As my mom is the "housing coordinator," I have to live with two of them, including one right in my = m4d sux0rz


Wow your a moron. Nebraska has owned everybody thay have played. Miami = bunch of homos like you. Wow you shouldnt ever get admin powers cuz your a moron.

Packers Bears
The Packers are going to bend the Bears over.

I second that motion: Jake r0x0rz j00 n00b

Adam--what's going on with the new admin shit?

Last night, on a late night run to Wendy's, The Shake War occurred. Andy Seyfer fired the first shot, with a stick at Warren's car outside of Club Basix. The conflict only escalated with me throwing loose change and a cassette tape. Devestated, Nick threw a can of Mtn. Dew and narrowly missed me. A peace conference was being held in the Wendy's parking lot, when I suddenly defected and switched sides. Now it was full on war, with the crew in Jaime's car (me, Jaime, Nick, Seyfer and Zakk) purchasing a large Frosty. Nick chucked it, and missed. CURSES! When the enemy was occupied (Marie, Abby, Warren, and Rob), we purchased three more small Frosty's and distributed them to Jaime, Nick and myself. Jaime hurled the first shot, going right in front of the car and spilling a tiny bit. Nick's dead-on blast with the Frosty happened while Rob was standing outside and threatening Nick. The third and final shot was when I hurled it right at the side of Warren's car and we heard a loud THUNK. Ph33r Team Frosty.

Make me an admin damnit. I'm the bomb.

Nebraska is ownz0r3d by Miami. Get over it you punk big 12 lamer.

Holy Shit
For anyone that has never seen Agamemnon, you're really lucky. I had to go down and sit through that shit for an hour and a half last weekend, and let me tell you, it was some of the most awful acting I've ever seen. Not only was the production itself pretty bad (they had a man running around in a thong) but the actual storyline was far worse. AWFUL. The only experience I can relate to this play is being hit in the head again and again. Never ever waste your money on that shit.

Sunday is indeed a horrible horrible day. Nothing to do but PS2 and homework. I can't really play that much PS2 either, because homework is going to kill me =(.

Jesus Christ what does Nebraska have to do to be ranked #1 in both AP and coaches poles? Jesus they have beaten everybody; ND, Oklahoma, and a good KSU team. Wow, I may not like Nebraska but good God, Miami almost lost to BC who NOTRE DAME almost beat. I think that Nebraska deserves much more respect playing in the best conference in the nation this year.



I'm really going to hate writing this paper.

Let's just ignore descartes--all these posts are exactly what "it" wants, and that's what I'm doing from now on.

Just so you know...
descartes is using my name to post asshole comments--disregard them.

I <3 babysitting when its easy and pays well. Last weekend I babysat two kids for 3 hours and got paid 40 bucks, so I bought Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3. Well last night they asked me to babysit again, this time I was watching 4 kids for 5 hours... and got 70 bucks... looks like I'm gonna get Metal Gear Solid 2 on Tuesday w00t! Babysitting is mad easy.