Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

Wow... sitting here in Keyboarding yet again makes me laugh.

Jackie Wilke sits across from me, she was put into the class today... Well first of all you have to set up an account with the network to access the computers. We were sitting here and she asked the teacher why she wasnt being able to connect and login. So Mr. Kummer comes over and takes a quick look, chuckles to himself and says, "You spelled your last name wrong."

Wow honestly I just started laughing...

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

The Meek Machine
Derek Meek got in yet another quarrel today, what a loser. Apparently he was yelling at some girl in the hallway, and kicking and punching the lockers. Around 2nd lunch, Ben Johnson told me about it. And the black lady that watched the hallways, ended up putting Derek into a headlock. I dont know why but that just makes me laugh.

Wow, I really love Jello!

Wow, this is absolutely lame. Im sitting in a keyboarding class and its phUcKing retarded, wow we do is sit here and type bullshit to help us type faster. Its worthless, easy A though.

Sunday, November 25, 2001

Are you leaving Nick?

(throws in hat)

Well, I guess it was good while it lasted.

Dang, being down for a while seems to have killed us, lets post everyone, tell us about your thanksgiving or something, if you have nothing better to talk about. We are never gonna get our hit numbers back up if we go this long with few or no posts.

*drops pin*