Let's Get Ready To Rumble!
"Throughout the entire election, from start to finish, Pate said absolutely nothing--that's jack shit--about what he plans to for our city when elected..."
Is it necessary that a politician make promises during the campaign? Often these are empty and unfulfilled anyways. Obviously, the voters of our fair city (which has more registered Dems than registered GOP members...) decided that perhaps it isn't necessary to campaign with empty rhetoric--things are often very different from the campaign versus the real-world when one enters office. Please don't get me wrong--I'm not necessarily suggesting Pate was the best candidate by any means... in fact, in light of good competition, it's quite possible he could've been defeated... but he represented a solid and reliable alternative (with loads of political experience) to Clancey, who has grown further and further from the people that elected her in the first place. It's quite possibly Clancey would've been defeated in the last election, had there been any solid competition--but no one was willing to step up to the point. Whomever did run (I don't remember who) was clearly not likely at all to win.
"You say "Actions, my friends, actions speak louder than words," but Pate has no "actions" applicable to this election..."
My point was that one can't form any valid opinion on Pate until you've seen him in action. If you want to bash Pate once he actually takes office, by all means, have at it. If he starts making foolish moves left and right, sleep well knowing you only have to deal with two years of him. Yes, I know Clancey has many solid actions to back her up, and I'm pleased with nearly all of them. But what's with this socialism with Hy-Vee? Hy-Vee is a huge lumbering company that certainly has the funds to build a new store, and make back money on said investment (they are, after all, the only store in that area...) and yet, Clancey and Todd demanded that the city of Cedar Rapids give Hy-Vee money, That's asinine that we need to help that company in any way, shape or form. Fact is, we don't. They would've built a new store anyway and made back the money in no time. But Clancey and Todd insisted... why? Because it makes them look good to the voters of Wellington Heights and that area! The whole thing was a scam for votes, and the residents of our city realize that! Clancey isn't flawless, she has many successes, but many fuck-ups, and maybe it's time for someone else to take a swing at it. If Pate sucks, I'd be willing to bet Clancey could easily win the spot back in two years!
"...(CR) still maintains the 2nd lowest property taxes out of any "major" city in Iowa..."
Perhaps so... but how many major cities have the ridiculous amount of fees and taxes we do? Trash fee, extra bag fee, recycling fee... the list goes on and on. By mentioning only the property taxes, you're evading the real issue entirely. Perhaps they are low, but if you get the whole picture of finance that a resident has to do with, its bordering on ridiculous. Property taxes are no where near the only way CR makes money.
I will not argue any point when it comes to Harvard and the New Yorker. If you're indeed citing these articles (and I have little reason to doubt you), then obviously my source was mistaken, and I retract my statements. However, you still fail to mention Gore's grades, which I'm sure aren't that wonderful either.
I don't think it's necessary to call me bigoted, when you have no information or quotes to back that up, and also, the huffing statement was a joke, bud. :)
George W. Bush is not wonderful at giving speeches. Neither is Derek Meek, but can you deny the fact that Meek is intelligent? He may be one of the most annoying people to walk the face of the earth, he may have the social skills of a fly, and he can't speak for shit, but I'll be damned if he isn't one smart kid. George W. Bush isn't good at speaking, again, I'll concede that point to you. But if he was, suddenly the world would be filled with accusations like he's "all show" and the like. Reagan was the king of television and speaking, and all the time he was attacked for just looking good and saying the right thing, but when the facts come down on paper, the 80s were a period of intense growth across the board. Yes, GWB is not a great speaker, but I fail to see the point you're making with that. Big deal. His speaking skills are adequate--they get the job done, and when he's fired up and emotional, as he was when he delivered that speech to the joint session of Congress, there were few presidents that could rival that speech.
Bush has high approval ratings because he has done an excellent job handing America after the attacks. People approve the job he has done. Is that to say Gore couldn't? I'm not making that statement. I don't think you need to use it as a negative attack of some sort. Bush has done a good job, give him credit where credit is due. Not anyone with a pulse could do what he has done; that's fallacious to think so. My German teacher, Frau Weiß is a registered Republican. She voted for Al Gore. She stated on Friday, "I voted for Gore... but hind-sight is always 20/20. Had I known these attacks were to occur, I definately would've voted for Bush." I think of a lot of America agrees. At the time of the election, defense was really low on everyone's radar. Nothing was happening and nothing had happened for at least 18 months... no one was even considering it. But we're now in a war-like situation, and it's good to know GWB is at the helm.
Hey Tyler, where the hell do you think the money came from to make these improvements to the schools? Not a local option tax--but a BOND! The public didn't want a local option tax, they wanted a bond. They turned down a local option tax for schools twice, and passed the bond in one shot. I think I need not make any other argument on that subject.
For over 75 years now, Franklin Middle School has been an institution of learning here in our fair city. It has been maintained through nothing more than the standard district funding for those 75 years, and that is a fine building in fine shape. Standard maintenance has kept it well-oiled and running smoothly. See, here's the difference: in Waterloo, schools really are falling apart... schools really are in bad shape. A big injection of $$$ is needed to get these buildings back in fair shape--versus in Cedar Rapids, our schools ARE currently in good condition. If we continue to fund them appropriate, I see no reason for that not to continue. That's not to say I'm even against the bonds or improvements being made to the schools, they are certainly fair and appropriate, and if I was of voting age, I would've approved the bond myself. I'm just saying that you can't resort to hysterics to make your point, it's not the case.
That first line was a joke. You're a great guy and fun to spar with. I just get pissed off with the 'idiot' comments--first GWB, now Pate? Give the guy a chance first.
I didn't really know this was a competition. I guess I'm your bitch or something now. Wow.
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