Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Monday, October 15, 2001

We rarely enact congressional war declarations, and they're generally deemed unnecessary (NATO's invocation of article 5 is in itself a declaration of war). Beyond that I don't advocate "crimes against humanity" but I do believe the whole notion of "war crimes" is insane. War is war, it is SUPPOSED to be absolutely horrible and thus used ONLY as a last resort. Now we don't need to do horrible things here at all, but apologies concerning the loss of civilian life are just stupid... Bombs going off in cities will kill all sorts of people, and that is accepted to be a part of war, worldwide, no apologies necessary. These conditions were brought on by a nation that attacked the civilized world; the Taliban sponsors actions, which result in the downfall of any system that does not conform to their backward system, and as such, must be eliminated at all costs, ALL COSTS. The only reason I'm so upset about this, is that the civilized nations don't seem to understand history. I'll just give one example... The American Revolutionary War was won, in part, due to the fact that the American soldiers did not obey the "rules of war" established by the European nations. The rules basically stated that the 2 armies lined up at sometime in the morning (9 AM or somewhere around that) and they stood in organized lines, parallel, and fired on each other. This was how war was done according to "civilized man". Well we all know that the American fighters adopted the techniques of the Native Americans of hiding in the woods, attacking at random times, attacking from different places... This was a MAJOR factor in how we won the war. Such mistakes have been repeated throughout history (the British destruction of Napoleon's Navy at Egypt is another prime example). If we are constantly arguing with other nations on what is "fair" the terror campaign will stomp right through and win this BS. They may not win the control of Afghanistan, or even the war, but they can inflict HEAVY damage if they really want to... Imagine if 50 suicide pilots were onboard jets on Sept 11, not a difficult task really. I won't get into the finer details concerning this (how could we possibly stop suicide pilots with war action in Afghanistan...) I just wanted to raise the point of inept war.


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