Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Sunday, October 28, 2001

Re: Immaturity
Guys, easy. Whatever happened last night wasn't bad, it was just part of a party....people are able to let go and have some fun, be less self-conscious, and relax. That's why it's called a PARTY! What do you do at a party? Your party! You have fun! You let go a little bit! As Nick said, none of the girls are sluts...none of the guys have problems, people had a little bit of fun last night. That's all that happened. Anyone who makes a bigger deal out of it is 1) extrememly conservative and/or 2) very insecure about themselves. That's what it boils down to. My thoughts to all are that whatever happens at a party stays at the party, and don't be so damn judgmental of people.


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