Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Thursday, October 25, 2001

That's right ladies and gentlemen, while y'all might think cake is the best, cheese is really the way to go. This message really has no point besides to test the online blogging feature, how nice! In addition, I'd like to say that Adam House made no points in his discussion, nor did he dispute the fact that he's a worthless piece of shit. He simply states again, his lameass universal flame for everything "Jake's a homosexual" First off, no, second off, you're fucking stupid, and you don't do anything to dispute this key fact, and finally, do you really expect me to be offended by you referring to me as gay? You refer to everything as gay. You're about the stupidest, most homophobic worthless piece of shit I've ever met. I'm worried about your ability to form friendships and relationships with either sex simply because you distance yourself too far by being a paranoid jackass. Thus, in closing you = worthless piece of shit.


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