Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Sunday, October 07, 2001

Jeff Game
Okay, my computer hates me, so the title is pro'ly messed up... But anyways. Y'know, I'm so sick of everything in football... The petty politics, the standing around for three and a half, four hours at practice, all that sort of crap. It'd all be worth it, though, if we could win. But we can't, though, and I have no clue why. Does anybody know? What the hell is going on? I make my blocks 95% of the time, what's happening? Can anyone see?
Oh, and on another note, as much as I hate to criticize our school, we have NO SCHOOL SPIRIT WHATSOEVER. I mean, our crowd is silent, and that doesn't help anything. I dunno, it's something pretty small to bitch about, but maybe if people in the stands gave a damn, the players might.


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