Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Monday, October 15, 2001

HS Rankings
Your whole Metro/Drop-out argument is completely fallacious, Dave. Our class of 2002 was 95 Frosh, 95 Soph, and 96 Junior year. Those dropouts allowed us to move up a single point. The fact remains that we have unbelievably good teachers, with unbelievable course offerings, and unbelievably motivated students. There's still a buttload of dumbasses included in that Junior class 96, so it's still ridiculously amazing. I agree that perhaps the ITED isn't the best test (it has too low of a high end... too many students top out)... but any national percentile rank is computed figuring with other students taking that test... so any flaws in the test itself aren't important, as all students are equally affected by said flaws.


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