Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Tuesday, October 23, 2001

Grand Theft Auto III
Today is DVD Tuesday... of course. However, today I failed to purchase my weekly DVD. I had picked out Monty Python and the Holy Grail SE as this week's choice... and was going to check out the PS2 section when I noticed... Grand Theft Auto 3. had been hyping this game for weeks and it looked mad l33t. Monty went back to the shelf and I picked up this game. Smart move. Nick bought it too.

Wow. I'm not a GTA veteran at all (in fact, this is the first I've played) but let me tell you that I never had more fun playing a game than this one. Any game where you can car-jack any car, change the radio station, pick up whores, get out a baseball bat and kill people on the street for money, run people over, moonlight as a taxi driver/ambulance driver/cop, and just basically be a total bad-ass criminal rocks in my book.

My GTA story for today. I car-jacked a rival gang's truck, turned the station to some classic 80s pop... and ran over like 8 pedestrians. I got a wanted warning of 2 and the fuzz were all over me like flies on two-day old Taco Bell. I went flying into a intersection and got double t-boned. The car prior to that point was already HEAVILY damaged and now it was on-fire. I jumped out quickly and the popos started to try and put a few Glock clips in my ass. I got out my handy Louisville Slugger and busted out a Big Bonds Attack and killed his ass. I jumped into his ride and managed to get a big enough lead that I could carjack a taxicab without any one seeing. I <3 GTA3.


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