Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Thursday, September 13, 2001

Response to all
Personally, after watching all of the overwhelming news on t.v., I feel that these football games deserve to and should be played. Jamie and Charlie both have excellent points in that the terrorists are looking to disband us and bring our nation to a halt...which they've done a pretty good job of so far. But how long are we supposed to mourn before we get on with our lives? A day? A week? A year? The longer we do this the more we let the terrorists win by accomplishing their goal of disrupting the most powerful nation in the world. Like Charlie said, we should play these football games in order to unite everyone again, by allowing them to participate in an activity that is enjoyable and uplifting, hopefully letting the sadness slip out of consciousness for a couple hours. I feel that it is a good idea and will allow a few to take their minds off of something so huge. I for one emotionally need it, because this week has been so draining and by the results of the petitions, I think that the majority of others feel this way too. Let us do our part in mourning tomorrow, but also let the football games be played.


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