Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Re:Re: Disgusting
Nick, in no way, shape, or form am I disagreeing with your feelings- I say that as soon as possible, those responsible for the events of this day should be tracked down like the dogs they are and drawn and quartered (using that in lieu of other things I'd like to do to them...), I was simply commenting that the phrase "towelheads" refers derogatorily to a whole race of people, so many of whom had absolutely nothing to do with this. For example -- Umair Kazi. Would you call him a "towelhead" to his face in an angry manner? C'mon, it's Umair. Again, though, I say we retaliate as swiftly and powerfully as possible. The video of those people celebrating in the street today made me sick to my stomach... How can one find joy in such loss? Jeesh.
On a lighter note, though, pro wrestling, HELL YEAH!


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