Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Crazy Fucked Up Shit
In response to Nick Basile: although I disagree with your use of a racial slur, I heartily agree with your perspective. I think that people fail to realize that we aren't characterizing these Palestinians as evil because we feel they're somehow responsible for what happened today, but rather, because these select Palestinians were celebrating the loss of thousands of our innocent civilians. In response to the sentiment that "we deserved it" (some commie traitor gave me that line of bull online today, because he felt we provoked whoever did it, and didn't deserve to strike back, based on the fact that we FORCE them to Americanize): if they want us to trade with them, if they want to convert their shithole $3 a week way of life into something American, then fine, we're going to make them play by OUR rules (example, former part of Iran that "westernized") but if they want to be who they want to be? Fine, we dont have to play with them in the sandbox, they dont have to have our benefit on the world arena. That's the power that comes with being the hegemon, and we have wielded it pretty justly. We don't force them to change who they are, we don't force them to do anything but ensure basic human rights before we support their tiny pathetic nation, and they have the audacity to celebrate these cowardly attacks on "the great white satan?" radical arab nations deserved to be carpetbombed into oblivion. I say nothing of Arabs (who are largely devout, pious, and respectable peaceloving folk on the whole) but these radical nations, who feel that they can come into our world, and compete with us deserve to pay.


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