Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Damn Terrorist Fruits
I hope they rot. Rot in hell. What happened today will not ever soon be forgotten... Even though im not directly envolved it still sickens me to think about everything that happened today. All the planning that had to go into killing so many people what a sick man... and to get joy out of the whole thing. Damn Arabs can EAT IT!

After school today I went to St. Lukes to donate blood, do a little to try and help out I guess. They werent taking any donations at the time I made it there... so if anyone else wants to go, just say something tomorrow at school. This is probably something that I will remember forever.

If I was an Arab living in the US i would be ashamed... very ashamed.

On another note... I HATE people that act like it affects them personally, or the stupid people that freak out! Its not like Washington Highschool was about to be bombed, come on people. One person in particular was yelling and screaming instead of talking to me today. She was saying stuff like, "Naw shoot this isnt right I'm leaving, this is bullshit." She acted as if Rockwell had been bombed. Everyone one was looking at her... it was odd, I kinda slowly walked away. I was like ahh... im gonna go to 3rd seeya later.


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