Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Monday, August 20, 2001

Damn, I am a lucky bitch

Okay, so last night I was hanging out at Erick Scanlon's house when we decided to go rent a movie. We were driving along the road to Mr. Movies and just as I was passing Vernon Inn I noticed these flashing lights behind my car. This was a bad sign. Anyways, I had been joking around with Scanlon and not paying any attention to my driving, so I honestly had no idea why I was being pulled over. But I got to the side of the road and pulled out my liscense and registration like a good little bitch and waited for the officer. When he came to the window I expressed my sincere ignorance as to what I had done wrong and then he told me that I had been going 45 in a 30 coming down the hill right before the Vernon Inn. My first thought was fuck, I'm not gonna be driving after this for a long time after my parents find out about this, especially after I discovered that the proof of insurance in the glove compartment was a year old. But then as the officer was looking at my liscense someone called him on the radio, he responded and then turned to me and asked me what my driving record was like, I told him I'd never been pulled over before and he just was like, "watch you speedometer better from now on." Then he left, and I got off scotch free. And so I must repeat: Damn, I am a lucky bitch


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