Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Monday, October 01, 2001

My Opinions on Teachers/Mayors/People : P
Alright shut it about Mr. Henderson. He is honest to God my favorite teacher of all time. Sure he comes off as an asshole if you goof off in his class or whatever, but he's too interesting to hate. Secondly, Netolicky/Witte debates are pointless. Everyone knows that the hardest (and most helpful) AP Lang/Comp instruction came from Buccheit. Just ask Brewer the first. Don't vote Pate, his kid is a stupid prick that goes to Linn Mar and talks too much shit. This isn't an endorsement for Clancy (hasn't gotten shit done for the last few years : P) but for the love of god, being an asshole runs in the family. DON'T VOTE PATE. Fourth and finally: the new layout is uber. Maybe you don't like the color scheme because you find light blue insulting to your heterosexuality or some skewed justification for your insecurities or something like that, but the fact remains the new layout is a lot cleaner and the logo is better than anything we had before. Flame on.


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