Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Monday, October 29, 2001

How Exciting
As you all may know from my previous posts, the computer i am typing on right now is a P.O.S. Acer 200 Mhz, 4 gig hard drive, dial up modem, etc. Sitting right here next to me is my customized computer, that is three parts shy of being finished. (1.6 mhz AMD, 60 gig HD, and a Ge force 2 Ti graphics card, that is still in shipping and will be in tommorow)
Here is the kicker, and don't laugh, ya'll dont know how big of a deal this is to me. BUT, as of thursday, November 1st, the insides of my house will be introduced for the first time with a broadband cable connection. I am truly as giddy as a school girl right now, and I don't care if everyone knows that. Just remember the first time you got cable AND a screamin computer AT THE SAME TIME. Dial-up does suck, and cable = goodness


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