Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Sunday, October 28, 2001

Re: Religion
First of all I didn't diss on anyone considering god is not a real person... just a made up homie in a really old book.... also filled with ancient superheros and fairytales. You have to realize that there are many different religions out there and that there is no way for your personal religious preference to be right... its just what you believe and choose to devoted your time to. Religion is not based on what certain things ot people say, it just forms images of how you prefer to live your life and keep u going. If its a book about superheros... so be it. I just choose not to sit through boring speaches every Sunday and listen to someone tell me what I should do and blah blah blah. I could get more direction in life from the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. If anyone has the right to slander Spiderman then I think I have the right to slander god. They are both ficticious. So u go to church every week for 2 hours and you enjoy it... I'll be at home in bed sleeping not to mention enjoying that. Oh yea.... may thin air have pity on my soul and I hope I rot in hell... if there really is one.


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