Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Thursday, October 18, 2001

Attention Deficet Dissorder and Attention Deficet Hyperactivity Disorder (which is what i am graced with) have to be some of the best things to have "wrong" with a person. Lemme lay it all out for y'all. I thoroughly enjoy my lil disorder, as they call it. But, I will have none of that name. It simply just isn't a disorder. I can keep total concentration of multiple things at once, or I can completely get myself lost in the wonders of my head. Another great thing that I get to do is take a Class C Amphetamine. A.K.A. SPEED. Now, I of course have a prescrpition for this, and what y'all have to understand is that the effect of EVERY single drug i could possible take works the exact opposite on people with my gift. Speed = downer, Marijuana = upper, Alcohol = anti-depressant (haha). You get the drift.
I, as well as many of my compadres that you all might know who have a form of ADD ( Charlie, Nick, Ted Wendler (wow) are unique individuals, and should be not seen as differant. We should be seen for the high intellect persons we are. As you all might know, Nick Basile, Charlie, and myself are extremely brilliant people. We also have just a lil nack to be a lil insane. I really can't see any bad things about ADD. I mean sure, we might have a lil trouble concentration on what we are SUPPOSED to be concentrated on, but who said we aren't concentrated on something that is just way better..... The way I see it, we are better off than the "normal people". You can feel free to argue my point...arguing is fun


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