Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Gas Prices
I had been hearing rumors of gas prices going up to $5 a gallon. Let me tell you this: this is an unsubstantiated RUMOR. It is completely false.

Charlie Nordstrom, a contributed here to BBP has a parent, namely, Dave Nordstrom who is president of Nordstrom Oil and HandiMart. In order to get the straight information, I called Mrs. Nordstrom, who in turn called Dave. Here's the inside word; the straight dope:

* Gas prices will go up 10 cents (that's a dime) tomorrow. That's IT.
* There is no evidence that gas prices will shoot up to Carter-era prices of $5 a gallon or any garbage like that.
* Do NOT go and get in the ridiculous gas lines this evening. These people are going on hysterics and rumors as opposed to facts.
* There is no shortage of gas, no embargoes on the middle east or anything like that.
* There is only ONE problem that is foreseeable... and that is the possibility that people making this hysterical run on gas will deplete the tanks at stations... so some stations might be out in a few days. If you help to dispel these ridiculous rumors, we can prevent this from happening.

That's the straight word from Dave Nordstrom, a genius businessman who is truly in the know. So relax!


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