Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Friday, October 26, 2001

My End to Football (Cue Dark Clouds)
Wow... Y'know, it takes a lot to get me pissed off, but someone's sure managed to do so. Perhaps I was more harsh than I should have been in my last several posts, and I do wish that I had waited until the season was over to post them. However, it disgusts me to find that some coward printed them off and put them in the coaches' mailbox. What is said on Bigg Boyz has no need to be repeated in school, most especially in such a rat-bastard manner. ::Sighs:: If you have a problem with what I say, talk to me about it, don't go hiding behind the skirts of anonymimity (sp). Come fricking talk to me about it. You truly are a disgusting tattler, like the kid in elementary school who, whenever someone would say "crap!" or "shut up!" during recess, would immediately begin crying and run towards the teacher, gabbling about naughty words. ::Sighs again::


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