Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Thursday, October 04, 2001

Lactose Intolerance
OMFG, this sucks big time. I love ice cream, milk, sour cream, cheeses of all varieties, cereal, yogurt, and damn, I just love dairy products. In the past few weeks, I've noticed that I've gotten sick to my stomach every single time I ate anything, and I couldn't figure it out. My mom suggested it might be lactose intolerance and suggested I try a meal without any dairy products. I felt fine afterward, so I tried a tiny bowl of milk and fruit loops this morning and almost puked it up again like yesterday morning. When I came home from school today, a simple snack of Tostitos and some Salsa con Queso (that cheese salsa) made me feel ill again. Sometimes it's worth it... take the sick to my stomach feeling just to have some damned good food, but more times than not, it's not worth it.


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