Big Boy Productions: Reloaded

Wednesday, September 05, 2001

Holy shit. I almost died today. Not really but pretty close. I was sitting in Mr. Lammers Prespectives class watching a video. About half way through I was feeling kinda funny and then it hit me. All of the sudden i started loosing my vision and everything was going blurry. My hearing was fading out and I could hardly hear anything. I knew something was wrong so probably mumbling like a drunk I told Mike to get the teacher or the nurse or someone. I could start to see and all I remember was Mike giving me some pop or something so I drank some and the blacked out again. Then the Nurse and Mr. Lammers came in and were trying to get my attention or something and I could kinda see but not really. So I got up and walked across the room and started to black out again. I couldnt see jack and I ran into the wheelchair but the nurse helped me sit down in it. So she wheeled me across the arcade and into the building and could start to make out people walking by but couldn't really tell what was going on. So in the nurses office I ate some food and juice and then everything came back. Right now I'm all weak n stuff and my neck hurts like a mofo, that and I'm freezing. WOW, Di@beTiK's SUCK


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